14th and U Beta Test!

The 14th and U community connects small businesses, organizations and social groups to an engaged community that lives, eats, parties, works and walks their dogs in the neighborhood. 

The website’s core platform, Map Your Week, is a fun and simple way to promote businesses through experiences. Follow the instructions below to be a part of our  our FREE beta. 

1. Choose an experience you would like to promote.

​2. ​Click the corresponding “Buy Now!” ( don’t worry, it’s free) button and fill out the form with your experience details

3. Fill out the form. Feel free to leave optional fields blank.

4. Check the “Got a promo code?” checkbox and enter dcmappin

5. Click “Submit” button and we will take care of the rest! We will put your experience on the map the week you selected.

Please let us know if you have any questions via our contact form or by emailing us at hello@14thandu.com 

Thank you and best regards,
