Featured Events

Featured Events are shown at the top of the event calendar for the event’s month. They are highlighted in yellow.
Featured Events are shown at the top of the event calendar for the event’s month. They are highlighted in yellow.

[themify_hr color=”orange” width=”50%” border_width=”2″ ]


 [themify_button link=”https://14thandu.com/instagram-advertising/” color=”#7192FE” text=”#fff”]BUY NOW![/themify_button]

Premium event tiles

Premium Event tiles are displayed above the event calendar. The animated event thumbnails are 240 X 240. The images on both sides are clickable to an external link.  The minimum period is 1 month. 

[themify_hr color=”orange” width=”50%” border_width=”2″ ]


 [themify_button link=”https://14thandu.com/instagram-advertising/” color=”#7192FE” text=”#fff”]BUY NOW![/themify_button]